Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Court tomorrow

This is how I feel, like the Panda.  This photo made the rounds and people were in an outrage thinking it was real!  LOL.  No one is eating baby panda's, they are endangered.  They do look a little tasty tho, don't they?  Hehe....  Anyhow, the EX is still going gung-ho into the trial tomorrow.  He is saying his lawyer said "Talk-but don't commit".  Great.   I hope we come to an agreement.  He is still viewing it as "Losing".  I explained it isn't about winning or loosing, its what's best for Sarah.  He accuses me of "fighting", but he keeps bringing the battle to me.  I just want to get it over with.  I am not going to lay down for him, like I used to do.  I'm not his doormat anymore.  I think we need a trial period of him having unsupervised visits to let Sarah get used to the idea of spending time alone with him.  To see if he can sucessfully parent her.  I've done it alone for 8 months!  I've been away 8 months!  In that time, I bought a house, kept my kids in school, paid my bills, kept my job, put food on the table, etc... etc... etc...  but I'm still a BAD MOTHER!  In his eyes I am.  I starve my daughter, don't let her get enough sleep, let people abuse her and don't dress her properly.  What else?  Ok enough ranting.  Wish me luck everyone! 


Anonymous said...

I'll go you one better....I'll lift you, Sarah, the ex, the hearing and it's outcome all up to the Lord in prayer! - Barbara

Anonymous said...

Good Luck for tomorrow will be thinking about you ~ lets know how things go ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

I agree with you in all this. I think you have done an excellent job by yoursef with God's help. I am sending prayers up for you that things will go as they should. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

I am pulling for you...sending positive thoughts your way. Now stay strong and keep on moving forward. I tell you what, after seeing what some of the folks over there eat, I wouldnt be surprised. Ever seen that boiled duck egg they eat?  It is a duck fetus, not quite ready to hatch yet.  Seems pretty gross to me!

Anonymous said...

he is the one who needs committed lol good luck


Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow Linda......I know you only want what is best for little Sarah...
Take care,
love ya,