Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Peak Fall foliage time

My friend David and I took a ride today after breakfast at Denny's.  The foliage is at peak color and alot of leaves are falling off the trees.  I bet by next week, most of them will be on the ground.  I'm glad I got out today to capture the colors.  We have mostly oranges and yellows this year.  The cows and pigs are owned by the Arnold Farm in Greenfield Center, NY.  The cows are of a mixed lot.  I think some are Herefords and Holsteins.  I'm not sure what the spotted freckly calf is.  If anyone knows, let me know!  Its raining now and that will bring down alot of the leaves also.  I went to Wal-mart today and managed to spend about $100 dollars.  Ouch.  I got some Halloween decorations and candy.  Also some toiletries and a heavy duty brown hoodie for Sarah for part of her costume.  I should of gotten the lighter weight one because she will be indoors alot.  Maybe I can bring back the heavy one and get the lighter one.  I was planning on using real antlers for her costume but now that I'm thinking of it, she may accidently poke someone in the eye with one at the parties she is attending!  I hope everyone enjoys the photos! 

Here is my Mom and her friends cooking up something special for Halloween!  Hi Mom, teehee!


Anonymous said...

I would have recognized that Pelletier nose anywhere!  Thanks a lot kid!  Loved seeing all the pictures it is making me homesick.  Those cows are very thin.  I hope they have lots of hay this winter.  we were at 53 for a high today with gusty winds! brrrr.  Love you Momxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fall foliage tour. We don't have very much color here but finally got that much needed rain yesterday and today. Helen

Anonymous said...

Hey Linda, that was great! Thanks for the walk through the beautiful leaves. We dont have a lot of change here, some, but not brilliantly colored hills like last year. Guess with it being so dry it is just going to be like that. Enjoyed seeing the cows. I didnt think the cows looked too thin, but I could be wrong. Someone mentioned that they looked thin...but I know that with Holstein in them they are going to have the jutted hip bone, that is natural. Love the cow face! So sweet. Looks like you had a good trek out and about, very nice.

Anonymous said...

beautiful pictures. ty for sharing them with us.

Anonymous said...

great pictures!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your pictures are great.  Yea, real antlers could be a little dangerous!

Anonymous said...

I love your photos Linda! As you know, I visited your area in the fall a couple of years ago, it was just so beautiful! Sorry I haven't been by lately but even though I have you on alerts I haven't been getting any from you! I've reclicked, I'm hoping it'll work now! Jeannette xx  http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/