Sunday, January 6, 2008

Back to work tomorrow..

Vacation over... Not a planned one, but one none the less.  Now my time is up.  Sarah is ready to start school again.  I hope tomorrow goes alright.  We had a little bit of a warm up today.  Ice melted off the house.  I need to get out there with a ladder and a caulking gun.  I saw several spots on the exterior of the trailer where ice forms.  Not only off the roof, but holes in the aluminum on the sides.  I find myself more like my parents every day trying to save a buck.  Why turn up the heat, put on a sweater!  I know the value of a dollar earned.  My son complains because I make him do chores.  I made him an offer.  I told him he can quit school and go get a job and I will sit home and play video games all day instead!  I want him to get a part time job this summer at least.  Maybe working at Price Chopper store as a bagger or something.  He needs to learn responsibility.  He will be 17 in August!  A senior next year in school!  Then its the real world for him.  I try teaching him life skills but then he acts like a baby.  The stove will burn him, germs will get on him etc...  he sure is a prima donna sometimes.  He better learn this stuff or find someone that wants a big baby to take care of...  His butt will be going to live at Daddies! 

ty donna


Anonymous said...

That is what I do to stay warmer although my feet do get colder even with some socks and shoes on. Good for you telling your son what you did. Our G-son worked the last two summers and has worked a half day this year in school learning a trade at a place in welding. Getting paid for it too.  Helen

Anonymous said...

We keep our heat at 66 and that's fine for us.  We do have to sometimes slip on sweaters but saves a few bucks!  

Anonymous said...

I keep my heat around 68 and when it works thats just fine. My daughter knows to bring my grandson in hot clothes because SHE is always cold. Yes, these kids these days don't want to do anything. My son is 22yo and he works here and there. I told him he'll never have an apartment on his own or anything unless he gets to one job and stays there. He had an apartment he split bills with and had a good job, but then he lost it and now I can't get him motivated again. You would think you'd want a place to bring chicks too because that's not allowed at my house. There are stupid girls out there believe me. They come pick my son up, take him to dinner, take him to the movies, go to the clubs and the girls pay for everything. This is why he thinks it's okay to live like that. The world sure has changed since I was growing up. I be damned if I'm paying for some man, he better be taking care of me. Good luck with it all and hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

OH, boy.  Yeah, Bubba thought he was ready and good to go.  And he does have a good first real full time job.  But he often tells me he wishes he'd have failed civics so he could have stayed one more year in high school.  I think if hind sight is 20-20, he'd actually be back further doing some things differently.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

a summer job would be good for him. and maybe he can even help momma out with grocery bill or light bill. That would help in teaching him some responsibilty also. (((hugs))))

Anonymous said...

I hear you about your son!  My Nicci is the same way and she is graduating this year!  Kids!  

Anonymous said...

Geesh it is like a freakin oven in our house - i have it set low, Doug turns it up.  I am running around in shorts & tank tops, he is in sweat pants!!!  The turtle & the cats like it while me & the dogs are broiling!  You are right about your son, he won't have idea what it's like in the real world ~ sounds like you are doing the best you can to prep him..not much more you can do.  

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,

My parents would like me to get a job soon so I can earn my money independently.  I wwould love that, however, I don't think I'd keep down a job as well as my school work.  I said that I would get a job unless absolutely neccessary... maybe in the Summer to keep me occupied."

Anonymous said...

Man I couldnt wait to be old enough to have a job! I wanted my OWN money so I could buy stuff! What has happened since those days? Kids dont want jobs like they used to. Have a good day at work, as good as it can work.