Friday, January 11, 2008

A long week and then rain...

This week has been very long.  I haven't had much extra time to do anything.  I also have been very lazy when coming home and just plumping down in front of the computer.  I am ashamed to say that my Christmas tree is still up!  I will take that down today.  I have never kept one up this long before. 

Sarah is doing ok with her diabetes.  Her sugars tend to get quite high in the evenings and then go down and stay down until the next afternoon.  They are going to have us increase her lunch time insulin and see if that helps.  This diabetes thing is so stressful.  I wish we could go back to the time when Sarah could eat whatever she wanted when she wanted.  No measuring, shots or tears.  It is not fair.  Here is a touching video I found on line about another little girl with diabetes.

There are many, many more just like her.  My daughter is only 1 of 13,000 American children diagnosed each year. 

I have to go now and have her take a shower.  She went to her Dad's last night and he decided to start a food fight and he dumped water from a can of corn on her head.  Her hair is now a dry, sticky mess.  Isn't that so very adult of him?  If I did it he would probably be calling child protective.  Hope everyone has a good day...



Anonymous said...

I can certainly understand how you feel. I have a son diagnosed with diabetes when he was 7, he now is 13 and it has been a long tiring struggle. I can assure you it has its ups and downs, especially once they hit the teens. I am a nurse and it still is hard at time keeping him regulated, especially when he hangs out with friends. I also have a daughter about ready to turn 17 who sounds like your son. She is in so many things that she doesn't have anytime for a job! LOL. Let's just hope we get someone in office that will allow for research and hope for a cure soon. Best of luck.  

Anonymous said...

Oh that video made me cry!!  So sad!  It's such a shame that children have to go through that.  
And sorry...but I can see corn juice being dumped on someone head and it's kind of funny BUT you would think he would have cleaned her up afterward! lol  

Anonymous said...

I have been lazy too (and my tree is still up also.....UGH - I may just leave it JK)

I wish & pray only healthy thoughts for Sarah......


Anonymous said...

Having a child with a chronic medical condition or disease changes everthing.  Believe me, I know.  My Brandon has ACM and had brain surgery when he was 10.  There are things he can never do again, and his condition will get worse again over the years.  Your life and your family's life will never be the same.  Have you checked out a parent support group?  It's always good to be able to talk with other parents going thru the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I just took down my lights off the front dont even worry about it. Dumped corn on her head? How silly.

Anonymous said...

That video is really sad, bless her little a shot to her teddy bear.  You've opened my eyes, I never knew diabetes was this serious nor did I know it affected young kids.  