Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lost my friend

I did something stupid a few days ago and asked my friend Dave if he wanted to start dating again.  He said ok.  Then I didn't hear from him for over a week.  I called him last night and he was mad.  He said he went on and saw my profile there and that I had been online recently.  He took that as I sign that I wasn't really interested in him etc... so instead of asking me about it he cut me off.  I was so flustered and didn't know what to say I told him I didn't want to argue about it and hung up.  So I guess that is over.  He wasn't the right guy for me anyhow.  He was the one who makes stupid noises and laughs at people if any of you remember.  It just hurts because we were friends.  I guess I shouldn't of asked him to start dating again.  It seems I'm jynxed in the love dept.  I try internet dating and as soon as someone sees my picture they run the other way.  I'm I that hideous?  What do you think people?

I guess guys are expecting blonde with big boobs and no body fat these days. 


Anonymous said...

you are far from hideous my friend....  and with the looks you have personality...  maybe don't look so hard..  there is a guy out there for you...  I know it!

Anonymous said...

I think you are a very pretty lady Linda. People don't wait to get aquainted with a person to get to know them. I think you are right by what you say in your last sentence. My daughter is about your size and the same thing happens to her. That makes me ill. Do they think they are MR. Perfect? Hope you day goes well. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

If he gets so mad without asking you first, then he's not what you want anyway!  Some where out there, is a man looking for a woman just like you.  It will happen!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Dave will chill out after a little and you guys will resume your friendship.  He is probably too angry right now to be reasoned with.  There is someone out there meant for you and when you least expect it you will find him.  You are not hideous at all, people just have stupid superficial expectations and I think the online dating is a hard way to meet anyone.  Good relationships need to be built on getting to know each other and experiencing the person in real life...their personality, expressions, smiles, laughter...that cannot come across through a computer.  Don't be so hard on yourself.

Anonymous said...

Don't underestimate yourself your picture is lovely ~ and I am sure there is someone just waiting to meet up with you ~ If Dave saw your profile on line then why was he on !!!!! ~ perhaps you should have been mad at him :o) ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

You know what gets me?  Fat guys who badmouth overweight women and don't want to date them.  

No, you're not hideous.  These men probably have high expectations and are looking for a model or Hollywood-type person.  Good luck to them.  I hope they're as hot as they THINK they are.

Anonymous said...

my bad...i thought that was corn fungus at first!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture Linda. Mr. Right will come along but you know what he may not deserve you. Its very hard the second time around but I wish you luck. Paula

Anonymous said...

I like that picture!!   Somewhere, there has to be men who are willing to get to know a woman, without getting in their pants, and find out who and what she really is.  


Anonymous said...

No, you're not hideous at all Linda. One day you'll meet a guy who wants a proper woman, not a stck thin airhead model type! What was Dave doing on that site anyway?! Sorry I've been absent but I've been in Italy and lost my internet connection for three weeks! Jeannette xx