Would anyone know why my journal isn't loading properly? Ever since I put in my last entry it won't load. When I go in to edit it everything is there that I put into my last entry. People have mentioned it to me that it isn't working... Ok update, I just had to delete that last entry and now its working just fine. I will put the photos here instead!
I saw and your entry and pictures fine the last entry. Helen
I noticed it was funky too...couldn't find a place to comment on the last entry.
HI sweetie. I had a whole lot of trouble last night also. But what I do is I take an empty Eamil and address it to myself. Wtie my Entry and the Photo bucket URL and then do a spell check. Sometimes I SEND LATER where it is in folders until I am ready actually post. But, if AOL goes down in the middle of my writing I don't lose the whole thing. I wait until it loads in my journal until I delete that Email--but it is there or in FOLDERS until AOL loads it. And this way I don't have to edit as much so much either. With my arthritis I do make a lot of typos so I need spell check even though I am a good speller. And even though there is a spell check on the Entry page I found it's not nearly as good as the one on Eamils. This was a tip given to me by Donna when I started jouranling and found it wonderfully helpful. hugs, Bethe
Ooooopps... I forgot to look at pics...going back now.
Yep, seems to be working fine now!
You're working now! Have a good night.
All looks good now, love the pics of your beautiful babies!!
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