No, the stupid head cold I have I did not buy at Walmart. I may have gotten it there tho for all I know last week. I bought a GE phone/answering machine combo. It was relatively inexpensive and now I know why. The first thing I noticed after setting it up was that it had 9 messages on it already! I listened to them and could barely hear most of them. I think someone bought it and returned it also. The intructions were in Spanish. NO English which is the language I speak. I went online and looked up the product information and the manual online was also in Spanish. I finally figured out what I wanted to so I will give it a try. I am a cheap person at heart and always buy the cheapest product usually. The reason for that is because expensive items and cheap items are all one and the same to kids, cats and dogs!
I heard back from the dog trainer and they recommend private behavior consultations due to Daisy's fear aggression. I do not think Daisy would bite someone or another dog however she would be disruptive in a class setting due to her phobias. So I need to personally talk to the trainer and see what can be set up. I also plan on buying her a short leash and harness so I can work with her in social situations. She pulls hard for a little dog. She digs right in with her legs and pulls.
I also purchased a Wahl home haircutting system and cut Travis' hair. I don't have pictures but it came out pretty good. I just messed up slightly around the ears but don't tell him that! We will keep it between us....
Stupid customer service people. I took back a computer that the hard drive crashed in and they put it back on the shelf!
Someone had bought that phone and returned it and left out part of the instructions. Why not take it back and then turn around and buy another one like it. Good ideas on getting Daisy trained. This little Daisy here is strong like that. When you take her for a walk she will practially drag you, so I pull up her lead in my hand really short. Patches is intirely different and acts really good on a lead. Have a nice day. Helen
Sounds like someone else returned the phone before you purchased it. Enjoy your day.
So sorry you have a cold. I guess the machine goes back to Walmart!
hugs, Bethe
hope you feel better soon from your cold; catching up on entries from my move; sorry to hear about Daisy and her behavior; I'm clueless on how to train dogs; glad you got a trainer involved; I'm sure they'll be able to help you
aren't those things great for cutting kids hair? my son bought one; saved himself tons of money in the long run
take care of yourself
Oh how funny about the answering machine - I do hope you took it back. I can't imagine the nerve to sell it again with messages on it! I hope the training works well for Daisy. I took Coco privately and it would have worked had I kept up on it.
Hope you feel better!
Walmart had a bit of cheek selling a used phone/answering machine to you ~ I hope you returned it ~ or at least got a refund for buying second hand goods ~ hope you get on well with Daisy and the private tuition ~ Ally x
There must be something wrong with the phone for the previous owner to have sent it back. They could have wiped the messages off at least! I hope it works OK for you, I'd personally take it back. Glad you're going to get Daisy sorted out, it could become a bigger problem if it's not nipped in the bud. Jeannette xx
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