Sunday, November 18, 2007

A boring weekend

Yes, I am bored.  Terrible isn't it?  Bored, bored, bored.  Worked all weekend doing boring things like passing trays, diapers, making beds...  I'm glad I have a job however.  I can't believe its almost Thanksgiving!  Arrrgggghhhhh!

I'm glad I don't have to worry about cooking a big dinner.  I am going to work and then go over and pick Travis up at his Dad's and have a plate there.  Then off to have dessert at Dave's maybe.  I will cook something this coming weekend.  I will get a small turkey because we will waste a big one, unless I cut it up and freeze it.  I love turkey soup also. 

I have been trying hard to eat less and take in fewer calories.  I have been successful the last two days in staying under 1400 cal a day.  It is hard!  I am hoping to get down 8 lbs before I have to see the Dr. again.  Hope everyone has a good week! 

Thanks to Sugar and Emmi for my tags today!

Hi Mom!


Anonymous said...

i had a boring weekend also. but thats ok, cause i'll be rested to cook for thanksgiving, lol. have a good week. ((hugs))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good luck my friend

Anonymous said...

You are doing good work at the Nursing home.  Sounds like you have a busy  week coming up.  And don't forget Christmas is around the corner...that won't be boring.


Anonymous said...

you could come over here a hold a baby all weekend
and I really mean ALL weekend
You'll have to excuse me, but I'm catching up on journals and I have a sick baby in my arms so I'm typing one handed so comments are very short today.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am glad that you have a job also. You have come a long way on your own and I believe you had God's help in doing that. I sent up a lot of prayers for you during that time and worried about you, I still do. I am glad that you were able to start a journal again so that we can all keep in touch with you. That is nice that you will be getting a plate on Thanksgiving. A lot of time I buy a turkey breast instead of the whole thing. That way there is not a lot of waste unless you like dark meat. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

I think it is great you can see the good in having a job even if it was dismal over the weekend.  So many people don't look at the overall good in things.  I love your graphics today!   Good for you on the calorie cutting - that isn't an easy thing to do.  My secretary lost is amazing what changes in eating habits can do.  Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I love boring weekends.  Boring means no stress! LOL  Enjoy your week.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a good holiday Linda and wishing you success in the weight loss. Sure need to lose a few myself. Paula

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to make an appointment in a month or so for my yearly check up too...dreading it as usual. Lucky you being one of the ones that doesnt have to cook and can just enjoy the spread! Enjoy!