Saturday, December 29, 2007

Diabetes update

Christmas brought a gift we weren't expecting or asking for this year.  Diabetes.  My 8 yr old daughter has it.  She was acting different for a few days and was starting to have "accidents" the last couple months.  On Wednsday she ended up wetting herself while playing and then that night she soaked the bed, herself and me!  She had also been complaining of thirst alot.  I knew something wasn't right and knew the warning signs of diabetes.  I called the Dr office and they were going to see her Friday.  I took home a couple chem-strips from work to dip her urine.  Sure enough, the glucose turned from blue to brown!  That is the highest level on the test.  I did mine as a control and it was normal.  I called the Dr. and she told me to take her to the hospital.  When we got there the nurse skipped right over the urine test and took it by finger stick.  The meter said HI.  I asked him what the actual count was and he said off the charts.  So they drew blood.  They started an IV.  She was given humalin insulin and had a reaction to it.  They stopped that and she was shipped off to Albany med to the pediatric ward because they can't handle ped diabetics at our hospital.  So we took an ambulance ride at 11:00 PM to Albany.  She was put right in and they stopped the IV and gave her a shot of Humilog.  Two pediatricians came in and checked her over and then we got to "sleep".  Sarah went right out, but I was very uncomfortable all night and got about 2 hrs until 5 am when the brought in another kid.  This one was 3 years old and had a mysterious infection.  Every time a nurse or Dr. went in she started wailing.  Oh boy this went on all day Friday too.  So we met with the diabetes nurses and diatician and learned about diabetes and how to give the insulin and check her sugar etc...  There is a 24 hr hotline for me to call if I need it.  We were sent home with a truck load of supplies and got 9 prescriptions to fill!  I took home a sack of stuff from the drugstore!  So her regiment is sugar check before each meal, bedtime and at 2 am.  Insulin after each meal and snack.  A long acting insulin before bed.  It seems like I'm constantly checking her sugar or giving her insulin!  Her grandmother is learning too but is very nervous about it and is not jumping right in.  Her Dad learned but hasn't called to see how she is.  Maybe he called his Mom, I don't know.  He will probably see her even less now.  Jerk.  I had to spend a whole day with him and his breath was horrible as usual and he kept sighing deeply and expelling more and more stink in to the room.  Bleck.  The ride home was worse because I was right next to him.  Barf!  I am still not getting any child support from him, he didn't attend a class he was supposed to and lost his unemployment.  I guess he is going to the class this week and it should start again.  Meantime I got a letter from child support wanting me to fill out a form so they could file enforcement against him.  So thats the update.  Thanks for everyone's words of encouragement! 


Anonymous said...

hugs to Sarah...  surely all this is to get her settled in and at a comfy level.. I hope she won't have to do so much in the future.  Sending strength and good vibes

Anonymous said...

I hope she will be ok. That will be a lot of monitoring for you to do. I am glad that you caught it in time. Helen

Anonymous said...

I hope she will be okay, what a big adjustment to make.  You are going to have a lot going on until you fall into a routine.  I will be Praying for you guys.

Anonymous said...

I know this will bring many changes to your lives.  I pray God give you the grace to cope with each one.  I praise God you were alert and got Sarah right in to be seen!  She's an older child and bright.  I'm sure you can get her involved in her own management and care before you know it.  Be sure to let everyone at her school know of this new developement.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

how scarey to find out your child is a diabetic. I will keep her in my prayers. ((((((hugs)))))

Anonymous said...

How sad that this has to happen to her at such a young age! But at least you found out what it is so that you and your doctor can find ways to help her through this. Keeping her in my prayers. ~ Win =.)

Anonymous said...

It will be a big adjustment...but I am glad she has you to take care of her.


Anonymous said...

It will be a big change for her, but kids can accept almost anything as a part of life!

Anonymous said...

This is a sad thing to happen to such a young girl!  I sure hope everthing works out and that she is ok.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming back and telling us what all happened. Did they say what might have caused this to happen all of the sudden? I dont know that much about it, maybe it just happens like that. I am glad she is going to be okay, even if it takes a change in lifestyle. EW on the bad time you MIGHT be around him like that offer him a TIC

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda
sorry to hear about Sarah. Its hard on an adult I cant imangin how hard it would be on a young child.
Your in my thouhts and prayers