Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree...

The big storm was a big dud.  We got about 2-3 inches of wet snow and freezing rain .  Dave had come over and shown me how to use the snowblower just in case.  Didn't get to use it. 

The kids and I set up the tree last night.  It is pretty.  I put two pictures up above.  One with flash and one without.  Tarzan is facinated by the tree like last year, Brownie could care less.  She is too busy looking out the window at birds.  We got this tree for free last year through the EOC.  Target gives away their display trees to a local agency every year, so last year we got one.  It came fully decorated too.  Instead of taking the ornaments off and boxing them up, they wrapped the tree in plastic wrap and drove it over here in the back of a truck!  Needless to say it lost a few ornaments in the process and more while getting the tree off the truck and in the house.  The ornaments were these big, gaudy red and gold balls anyhow that really weren't my style.  I didn't put any of those on this year, used my ornaments that I have collected over the years.  I need to get a few more.  I like one of a kind ornaments.  My Dad and Nancy gave me two new ones last year.  A crystal rose and a crystal alligator!  I like ornaments like birds (realistic), nature like ones.  I remember growing up, my Mom gave us things to make ornaments with.  We used things from nature such as milkweed pods, nut shells, pinecones etc...  She also has some that we made from blown out eggs.  She painted things on them.  They were very pretty, but fragile. 

I was very upset at work yesterday and even thought about getting out of the rehab department.  One of the other girls was giving me attitude yesterday.  We all had to go to a unit to work, one of them was 3-H the "young adult" unit.  I hate going there for a few reasons.  One reason is I always get stuck doing care on "D".  She is a 50 yr old woman with MS.  She has to movement at all and is very demanding and cries if things don't go exactly as she wants them.  She also has a difficult time speaking and if you don't understand her she starts to cry and become even more difficult if not impossible tounderstand.  It is over STUPID things too, yesterday I ended up finishing her care and she got crying because I used the small hair pick instead of the big one.  She also likes to be washed with her arms up over her head and will cry if they are not in the exact position she wants.  She will start crying at the drop of a hat, it will turn out she wants her arm moved over an inch.  Now don't get me wrong,  I like "D", she is funny, caring and smart, she is just spoiled and likes to manipulate people.  The other one is another 50 something year old, "L".  She also has MS but can speak clearly and has some function in her arms.  She is also spoiled however and likes things done a certain way.  If you ask her too many questions or she has to tell you too many things, she may get very angry and start screaming, cursing and crying!   Anyhow, one of us had to go to this unit yesterday.  I said that I had to work on a unit yesterday, so I thought I would get first choice and I said I am not going to 3H.  Well, that made this one girl mad.  It isnt' the nasty one its another one.  SHE doesn't like 3H either and feels that she shouldn't have to go.  So she got in a huff and was in more of one when she found out I didn't actually have to give care over the weekend, I was the "unit assistant".  I ended up going there anyway at 11:00.  I am sick of the drama and the hostility in this department.  My boss does nothing, she leaves it to us to sort it out.  By the end of the day we were all speaking to one another again so it was ok, but I hate the tension.  So I came home with Sarah and her and Travis were going at it all night.  Not fighting just playing really loud and making howling and screaming noises.  Travis does this when not medicated and Sarah imitates it.  Then Sarah's friend came over and they were watching Family Guy.  I have told Sarah over and over that I don't like her watching that show and she wants to watch it.  I heard a couple bad words on it, but what put me over the top what when the baby in the show, Stewie, called his mother a "bitch".  That was it for me.  I told them to turn it off and a big argument started.  I ended up loosing it and taking away the computer and video games.  Sarah and I went to bed.  I cannot force Travis to do anything, he is big and defiant.  Sarah is following in his footsteps.  They seem to have no respect for me and my rules.  Ok I have to get Sarah ready for school now...

hi mom and brenda


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had a bad time of it at work. Hopefully things will get better. That tree of yours is very beautiful. I didnt know they gave their trees out like that, pretty cool. I hope your day today goes better.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could stand the tension at work either and I know I would not have the patience to deal with " D" seeing how she gets upset over the littlest thing.  I give you alot of credit for being able to even deal with it at all.  Your tree is lovely, I like bird and natural ornaments too.  Hope work is better today.

Anonymous said...

My MIL has MS and one thing I learned about it was that it was VERY painful.  Everything hurts at different times in different places.  Even the wind blowing on  her face hurt her. It was actually very sad.
Before I knew this...this sort of thing drove me nuts about her and now after reading up on this I felt guilty for not believing her.  It just sounded so out of this world crazy that she would hurt all the time.  Some people hurt worse then others but something as simple as moving your arm or even having someone wash your arm can cause them ungodly pain.  All you can do is be patient with them.

Your tree is very beautiful!  And I can't believe they delivered it all decorated!  NICE!  I like the original ornament idea!  

Anonymous said...

Love the tree!  Enjoy your Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty tree Linda....I hope things get better at work and soon.....sorry the kids are driving you crazy....I hope you have a great day.


Anonymous said...

Loved you tree... beautiful.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart...you have been having a time of it huh?
Hope all gets better real quick!
love ya,.

Anonymous said...

Ya'lls tree is beautiful!!  There is no doubt in my mind it takes a special brand of person to do what you do and do it well.  ;o)  -  Barbara