Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm feeling low and anxious today.  Things just aren't going well with my B/F.  I think today I will talk to him about it.  He just keeps withdrawing further and further.  I just keep finding more and more to dislike about him.  It just isn't working.  We have been together 8 months and he hasn't told me once that he loves me.  He is very repressed with his feelings.  We make better friends than lovers I guess.  As my Dad said, there are other fish in the sea.  Too bad the majority of them stink. 

Sarah's father seems to have disappeared over the weekend.  He never went to her play and he hasn't been online.  Maybe he is in jail.  Ha, ha.   I couldn't get that lucky.  Its raining like heck today.  Heavy rain.  It is supposed to clear up later today.  I need to get to Walmart and get some yard tools to clean up around here.  Get my garden going soon too.  Hope you all have a nice day...  Linda


Anonymous said...

Sorry things arn't going well with your b/f but if it isn't working best to end it ~ You didn't expect Sarah's father to turn up hope she wasn't too disappointed ~ hope your day goes well ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

All the best to you Linda!  Hugs, Barbara

Anonymous said...

Rain makes me sleepy, and if it rains for more than a day it can weigh on my mood, so I know how you feel.  From what I hear everyone needs rain, so I guess y'all are getting your share today.  I have asked that of my friend that I told you about that divorced and went through a lot, why do men like that keep on living?  People get into car accidents every day.  Or get diseases that kill them, why do the sleezeballs just keep on know?

Anonymous said...

maybe yall should think about just being friends until things pan out....Men!
Poor little Sarah....Why can't some fathers  learn to be daddys?
love ya,